Auditions-Improbable Fiction by Alan Ayckbourn
Another great Comedy by Alan Ayckbourne will be Performed by CADS from the 6th-8th December at the Kirkgate Centre.
The play is set on a Winter’s evening in Arnold’s home. He is Chairman of a writing group which consists of himself and five others with a variety of different writing styles and genres.
Arnold attempts to pursuade the aspiring authors to collaborate on a piece of writing but his efforts are quickly dismissed.
The meeting closes, there is a clap of thunder and Arnolds’ story unfolds…
Cast: We are looking to cast 3 males and 4 females of different ages.
We also welcome anyone interested in working behind the scenes. There are roles in lighting, backstage, sound, costume, props and much more. If you are interested in helping backstage you can either come along to auditions or email us.