Snow White- Ben Crocker

CADS Annual Pantomime

Performed at The Kirkate Centre on the last two weekends of January

Sponsored by Cockermouth Town Council and The Cumberland Building Society

Snow White the Pantomime was a huge hit with our audience. Incorporating songs and dances from a range of eras to suit an audience of all ages. This year, more than most, the production had astrong focus on our town, with personal  references to local people and places.

Snow White took on all the traditions of Panto that we all know and love; With good vs evil,  a Wicked Queen, a dashing Prince, fairies that adore rhyming couplets and plenty slapstick and general chaos provided by comedy duo and the traditional Pantomime Dame.

Director- Liz Pritchard      Producer- Bob Pritchard     Executive Producer- Tony Maggorian

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